Program Description
Program Goal:
The goal of the Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Program is to offer specialized and age appropriate supportive mental health services to the unserved, underserved or inappropriately served TAY. These are young adults who are unwilling or cannot access mental health services in traditional mental health settings due to personal preference, stigma associated with receiving services in a traditional mental health setting, and/or difficulty accessing services related to geographic, transportation, or physical disabilities.
Program Components:
- Mental Health Assessments
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Psychiatric Services/ Medication Support
- Case management
- 24-hour on call services
- Field and Community Based Services
- Housing navigation through CES
- Linkages to community resources
Qualifications for Services:
Transition Age Youth (TAY) ages 16-25 residing in SPA 6 (i.e. South Los Angeles) AND Must have a serious emotional disturbance (SED) or a severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) AND Must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Homeless or currently at risk of homelessness.
- Youth aging out of:
- Child mental health system
- Child welfare system
- Juvenile justice system
- Youth leaving long-term institutional care:
- Level 12-14 group homes
- Community Treatment Facilities (CTF)
- Institutes for Mental Disease (IMD)
- State Hospitals or Probation camps
- Youth experiencing first psychotic break
- Co-occurring substance abuse
Referral Process
Please have the youth call (310) 627-4566 to complete a phone screening or email completed referrals to TAY@scharpca.org
The youth or referring party will receive a return call within 24 hours for a phone intake and will be scheduled for an assessment as soon as possible if approved.