Program Description
Wraparound Mission:
Our Mission is to evaluate, educate and graduate families as self-sufficient individuals who can navigate through community supports independently.
Wraparound Vision:
Our Vision is to empower youth and their families to walk away stronger, happier and healthier by utilizing their strengths, strategies and support systems in their community The Wraparound approach is a family-centered, strengths-based, needs-driven planning and service delivery process. It advocates for family-professional partnerships to ensure family voice, choice and ownership. The family, their supports and team work together in order to develop a unique plan to ensure permanency and stability for the youth in his/her home and community. The Child and Family Team Meetings (CFTM) engage families in developing an individualized planning process and formulate out-come based plans using family strengths to assure family voice and choice.
Wraparound Staff:
- Family Facilitator, who establishes meaning and coordinates services
- Parent Partner, that with their personal experience in receiving similar services, advocates, supports and empathizes with the parent/caregiver
- Child and Family Specialist, who connects with the youth in order to help the youth connect with others
- Clinician, who provides psychological education to the team and family and conducts family centered interventions
It’s Wraparound when…
- The team makes decisions at the CFTMs.
- The family says that is “our” plan.
- The youth stops “testing” their limits because he/she believes the team will continue to support them regardless of their behavior
- The team does not give up when strategies fail; they continue to brainstorm new ideas.
- A parent reaches out to another parent.
- The team responds to the family’s crisis in a supportive and non-judging manner.
- The team begins to include people that know the family and youth the best (teachers, coaches, friends, etc. with permission from family).
- The youth participates in his/her CFTM by voicing his/her opinion on strategies
- The family says “we did it!”
- The team finds reasons for staying when it’s really time to go because the family is ready to graduate.
What families should expect from the Wraparound Process…
- Your family’s strengths are recognized and utilized
- The family leads all discussions and decisions about the family
- All family needs are heard and responded to
- Your family plan reflects your uniqueness and needs
- Your plan integrates all resources, covers all parts of your life and the needs of the entire family are addressed
- The planning process is creative and provides flexibility
- The team does not give up on you and your family, and is there even when things don’t work out
Who can be referred to Wraparound?
- A child at risk of being placed into a foster family, group home, or is on probation.
Who can make referrals to Wraparound?
- Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS)
- Juvenile Justice- Probation Department
How is Wraparound funded?
- Medi-Cal
- Katie A. Subclass Member